Find Your Passion

I am sure everybody has been wondering why I haven't posted anything about what I love most in this world. Dance. Nothing makes me happier than putting on a slow song and improving my way through it. Dance makes my world full of love, joy, and passion. I feel so lucky to have found something that I love so dearly. One of the best parts about this particular hobby is that it gives me the opportunity to set goals. The feeling of accomplishing a move that I have been working so hard on is probably one of the greatest feelings of all time. Also, letting go and feeling free and expressing your emotions and exploring new sides of dance is something that is just undeniable. Dancers get to inspire other dancers who get to inspire other dancers. It is such an awesome and unreal world to be a part of. Well, the point of writing this entree is not for you to go immediately take a dance class of course. It is to find something that you just can't get enough of. I have so much heart for this activity and I hope you find something that you can pour YOUR heart into. Explore! Be curious! Try something that you have never even thought of trying! Who knows, maybe something of greatness will come out of it.